Win Win Industries
Grey & SG iron machined component manufacturer of high quality castings for A wide spectrum of industries such as Tractor, Automotive, Hydraulic
Versatile Equipments Pvt. Ltd. (Shirgaon Kolhapur)
Versatile Engineers
Varsha Dairy & Food Engineers
Unichem Laboratories Ltd. (Kolhapur)
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Trimurti Engineers
Supplier, Manufacturer and Exporter of Special Purpose Machinery, Multi Spindle Drilling Machinery, Multi Drilling, Facing
Tough Casting Pvt. Ltd.
Combustion Systems, Fuel feeding systems and its spares, Variety of ferrous castings In Grades – Stainless Steel, Alloy Steel, Ductile Iron, Ni-Hard, Heat resistant, Cast Iron etc.
Tough Casting Pvt. Ltd.
Boilers & Boiler Assembly like Combustion Systems, Fuel Feeding Systems and Its spares
Toolex Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
Manufacturing of assemblies & Machined components
Testwell Engineers
Material testing Machinery, Suppliers of universal Impact, Hardness, Electronic testing Machinery & spares
Swati Pulley Company Pvt. Ltd. (Shirgaon Kolhapur)
Variable Speed Drive Systems and Specialize In Providing Solutions to Belt Drive Related Motion Control problems
Super Service
Process Instrumentation
Sunflex Pipes Pvt. Ltd.
Pvc Rigid Pipe Manufacturers
Sound Castings Pvt. Ltd.
Manufacturer of Grey Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Machined
Somaiya Techno Products
Manufacturers of Mechanical Assemblies, Sub-Assemblies and components