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D.S.V. Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Patalganga Raigad
Resin Manufacturers D.S.V. Chemicals offers a wide selection of products for the surface coating industry covering decorative and industrial paints, protective coatings, printing inks [...]
Chemical Manufacturers
Resin Manufacturers D.S.V. Chemicals offers a wide selection of products for the surface coating industry covering decorative and industrial paints, protective coatings, printing inks and adhesives. ROSIN DERIVATIVES, PHENOLIC RESINS, ALKYD RESINS, POLYAMIDE RESINS, AMINO RESINS BUTYLATED, ESTERFIED ROSIN DERIVATIVES, EPOXY ESTER, OIL FREE POLYESTER RESIN, ACRYLIC RESINS, POLYURATHANE RESINS, ACRYLIC RESINS, RESINATES, KETONIC RESINS
02192-252985 / 252986
Unit No. 2, Plot No. 10, At: Esambe, P.O. Majgaon, Taluka Khalapur, District Raigad Maharashtra, Raigad Rural
Additional info:
Raw materials required : Resins, Fatty Acids, Pentaert Thirol, Dimer Acids, Amines etc. / Contact Person : Mr. M.P. Nair (Factory Manager) Mumbai Off : 022 2612 0141