Stanzy Oven Equipment

Stanzy Oven Equipment

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Oil/Gas Fired Indirect, Direct Gas Fired Automatic Travelling Ovens for Biscuit / Bread Backing,Tin Printes Sheets Drying, Barrel Drying, Barrel Drying & PVC / Crown Caps Oven & Complete Bakeey Equipment. Erection & Repairing of all Type of Oven Are undertaken. Bentone / Ecoflam Burner spares available

Phone: 022-2740 2222 / 2558 2231
57, MIDC Industrial area, Taloja, Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra India 410208, Raigad Taloja
Additional info: Raw materials required : Mild Steel & S. S. Steel / Contact Person : Mr. Zaleania Bhan

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