Jaysynth Dyestuff (India) Limited (Patalganga)

Jaysynth Dyestuff (India) Limited (Patalganga)

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  3. Jaysynth Dyestuff (India) Limited (Patalganga)

Chemical Manufacturers - Dyestuff - REACTIVE -REACTOFIX, Pigmeron Organic Pigments, Digital Ink - DiGiTEX
- R Ink, Dispersion - experts in Colour Chemistry and Art of Particle Processing

Phone: 02146-250778 / 9821174130
A/29, MIDC Industrial Area, Patalganga, Taluka Khalapur Dist. Raigad MS -410220, Raigad Patalganga
Additional info: Contact Person : Mr. Vidyadhar K. Bannanje (General Manager - Works) / Mr. Parag Kothari (Managing Director) / Email : jsec@jaysynth.com

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