Plasti Pigments Pvt. Ltd. (Pawne Navi Mumbai)

Plasti Pigments Pvt. Ltd. (Pawne Navi Mumbai)

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  3. Plasti Pigments Pvt. Ltd. (Pawne Navi Mumbai)

Mfrs of Organic Peroxides used in a variety of applications that include plastics and rubber manufacturing processes

Phone: 022-27681610 / 27681002
C-8/5. TTC MIDC Indl. Area, Thane Belapur Road, Pawne. Navi Mumbai 400 703, Navi Mumbai
Additional info: Raw materials required : Benzoyl Peroxide, powder & paste, Methyl Ethyl Keyone, TertiaryButyl per Benzoate, Tertiary, Butyl Hydro peroxide, Di Tertiary, Butyl Hydro peroxide / Contact Person : Mr. Mohan A. Pawar (Sr. Manager)

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